This is one of the insurance that is one contract agreement with, you as the policyholder or the insured with the insurance company as the insurer of which the insurance company will pay a nominal amount of money in case of death risk to the insurance policyholder.
Most Life Insurance Needs to Know

For you as the insured party must pay the nominal premium for all your insurance is ready.

Life insurance is used for when we are affected by disaster or disasters that cause us to die, we will get protection from this insurance.

Well, so is this insurance, can also be purchased in private or third parties.

For example, a husband can buy life insurance with his wife as the insured, even parents can buy life insurance to their little ones as the insured.

There are some types of life insurance, but before discussing about these kinds of life insurance, you should be familiar with especially more important first is some of the reasons that make life insurance is very important for you.

Why Need To Buy Life Insurance And Buy It?

1. For the Protection of loss of income for the Family

No one knows what will happen in the future, including you. To anticipate.

chances are if you are hit by a disaster and leave your family for life forever, you need to buy a life insurance policy so your family can receive the sum insured for life after you leave.

2.  For the Protection of Disaster Death

The main causes of death in Indonesia are coronary heart disease, tuberculosis, rupture of blood vessels, respiratory diseases, newborn disease, lung disease, traffic accidents, and diabetes.

Read more Definition of Teaching / Education Insurance

The impact of the above diseases is sure we often find it so when we are exposed or contracted we already can protection from the insurance.

3. Several ways of Saving

As preparation for Retirement you can save in life insurance one of the best alternatives for your long range needs because the nature of regular premium payments, and not easily taken at any time.

life insurance products of course each has different benefits. In accordance with this kind of life insurance, aims to serve various types of interests and kesangkupan
ability to buy people's energy.

Please check what the following types of life insurance:

1. Term Life Insurance (Term Life Insurance)

Term life insurance or term life insurance this function to give to the insured in the range | certain time only. This life insurance generally offers cons for 50

You are advised to choose insurance inadai if if you give priority to the future of your family especially small education.

Suitable for those of you who have the need for a large insurance fee but have limited financial ability.

2. Life Insurance Life (Whole Life Insurance)

This type of life insurance is valid for life or whole life insurance provides lifetime protection, although the insurance company controls the benefits of protection for up to 100 years only.

3. Dwiguna Life Insurance (Endowment Insurance)

Here are some dual life insurance or endowment insurance, matching the name is an insurance that only has two benefits, namely as life insurance all the savings.

That's part of life insurance that needs to know you all hopefully useful yes.

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