One of the challenges facing the insurance industry in Indonesia is that many people still do not know what the benefits of having insurance. Many think insurance is just a burden on everyday spending. It could be the thought arises because it does not really understand about insurance.
Insurance plays a role in taking risks in case of undesirable things. For example, someone who has insurance has an accident. As an insurance holder, the cost of care for the person is of course borne by the insurance company as agreed. Or the insurer claims premiums that have been paid to the insurance company.
Claims by the insurer must be accompanied by complete and correct terms. At least consists of incident reports and the calculation of losses experienced by policyholders and supporting data. The obligation of policyholders (insurance customers) is to pay premiums in certain amounts in accordance with the provisions. This premium becomes a source of insurance company earnings that will be collected with premiums of all insurance customers to cover any claims that occur. There is a helpful side of insurance customers to other customers who are experiencing disaster or risk. The following are some of the key benefits of having an insurance policy:
Making Life More Calm:
No one knows when a bad thing will come to us. Watching is the best key to avoid it. Therefore, the role of insurance here is very important. By having insurance, losses can be minimized. Because there is a guarantee of protection from any claims made. That way, life becomes more calm.
There are Insurances That Can Be Also Investment Facilities:
Do you want to invest, but do not know what to choose? You can start with an investment that is merged into one insurance package or known as a unit link. This investment is not useful for you alone, but also to the people closest. Having an investment will make you have an advantage in the future. In addition, current benefits can grow and can be utilized for tomorrow.
Serves to Minimize Losses:
Indirectly, insurance is actually a way to force customers to save and new benefits will be felt when the policyholder is at risk. Having insurance will help you to overcome all the risks that occur.
Selan that some other benefits that can be obtained are:
- Providing protection and compensation to the family after the death of a person from loss of opinion
- Provide assurance of repayment of debt after death
- Provide protection and redress against unexpected health risks and healthcare costs
- Provide protection and redress to legal proceedings
- Provide protection and redress to permanent disability due to illness or accident
- Provide protection to your business from business interruptions and loss of income due to unexpected things
- Protect your assets against theft, loss, damage, fire, natural disasters, and other hazards
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