Here are some types of insurance available in Indonesia:
Life insurance:
Life insurance is a type of insurance that provides compensation to the insured due to the risk of death. In this type of insurance, the insurer will pay the premium periodically to the insurance company with the amount and timeframe determined as compensation for the compensation provided to the beneficiary (the insured)
Health Insurance:
Health insurance is a type of insurance that provides protection or compensation for various health risks that occur on the insured. Health Insurance is offered by insurance companies with a wide range of options ranging from in-patient hospital cover protection to pre-hospital and post-hospital care streets. In addition, Health Insurance now also provides a guarantee for the cost of normal delivery process or cesarean delivery to the insured. In Indonesia there are two types of health insurance, private health insurance and health insurance BPJS Health government.
Car insurance:
Car insurance is a type of insurance that provides protection against your car from various risks that may occur. This insurance has two types of TLO (Total Loss Only) which only provide compensation for heavy damage only and All Risk is insurance that provides comprehensive protection of your car from any kind of risk of damage both small and large damage with various types of expansion that available in it
Travel Insurance:
This insurance is an insurance intended for you who really like to travel both out of town until abroad and its function that only protects when will travel only.
Education insurance:
Educational insurance is a type of insurance that guarantees the cost of education with the Child, which usually parents will pay insurance premiums on a regular basis to guarantee and pay tuition fees ranging from school to college in accordance with the amount of savings and premiums paid.
Property Insurance:
Property insurance is a type of insurance that provides compensation and protection to a property owner such as a home from the risk of loss, damage, fire, and natural disasters by providing reimbursement of repair or maintenance costs for damages or losses incurred.
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